The Trail System
The Round Top trail system evolved from the local riding scene of the 90's. All of the trails are on private land and operate on a "handshake" agreement between the landowners and the Round Top Mountain Bike Association, which is a 501c3 non-profit organization. The majority of the trail system is on the property of the local resorts and inns, creating a unique opportunity for trailside accommodations, including two outdoor beer gardens. and many "Tentr" sites. There are 5 waterfalls throughout the system with well-built bridges spanning the various stream crossings. The trails are a bit on the techy side being in the Catskill Mountains, but have plenty of flow. The trail system also hosts the NYSMTB series, the RTMBA Enduro FUNdraiser, and the RTMBA FatFest (weather permitting). There are no machine built trails in Round Top, they are all built by hand. Trails are also groomed for fat bikes in the winter.